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Plan Your Training with NAOMIE

on June 29, 2012

Planning your Training Session with Naomie

 The following mnemonic helps trainers to plan a training session.  It is actually a very useful tool in any situation that needs planning and implementing.


 N – Needs – what are the needs of the group or the organisation?  How were these needs identified?

A – Aim what general aim do you have for the training session.  What is overall purpose you want to achieve?

O – Objectives – what specific objectives will you set for the session?  What do you want your learners to know or do after the session that they don’t know or do now?  How will you ensure that the objectives are measurable?

M – Methods – what learning/training methods will you use to meet your objectives?  How will you ensure that the methods are relevant for the different learning styles within the group?

I – Implementation – what do you need to think about as you run the session.  What should you expect and how will you deal with the unexpected?

E – Evaluation – how will you know that your objectives have been met?  What methods will you use to assess the learning?

Follow the TenMinuteTrainerTips blog for more in-depth ideas about these stages, or contact andrew@tenminutetrainer.co.uk



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