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Pay Attention to the Practicalities of Short Burst Training

on July 9, 2012

Here are some simple things to bear in mind about the practicality of your training session.


  • Environment – create a learning environment that is comfortable and stimulating.  Tidy up, arrange chairs so that everyone can see and hear.  Ask yourself if you need tables etc.  Make sure that the room is warm enough and light enough.  Make sure that you will not be interrupted.
  • Handouts – do you need any?  If so, make sure they are relevant and have no mistakes.  Let people know that you are giving handouts; then they can decide for themselves what notes to make.
  • Materials – have everything you need to hand.  Make sure that you have pens, paper etc for your learners (or that you have told them what to bring with them).
  • Logistics – make sure your learners know where they have to go and what time to be there.  A ten-minute session can double in length if people are late.
  • Timing – start and finish on time.  Even if people are late, you should still begin on time.

In order for the session to be practical, participants need the chance to think about how they will apply it in the workplace.

A simple form which asks questions like “what have you learned today?”, “how will you use this?” and “How will you know it has worked?” can be very useful.

Follow the TenMinuteTrainerTips blog for loads of practical advice on creating short training sessions that deliver OOMPH!

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