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on July 13, 2012



Designing Short Training Sessions that Work!

 When time and money are tight, make sure your training sessions have  “OOMPH!!”

Outcomes, Order, Method, Practicality and Heart!!

 There are so many teams that would benefit from the capability to run short and useful training sessions – the sort of session that could take up ten minutes of a weekly meeting, for example.

Managers could and team leaders could include subjects such as:

  • New/amended procedures, products or policies
  • Repetitive regulatory training such as fire procedures, health & safety, equalities etc.
  • Follow-up sessions to other training (e.g. the whole team has had a one-day ‘corporate’ session and the team leader designs a couple of short follow-ups to embed the learning and make it relevant to that team.)
  • “Just in time” training – one-off subjects ‘as and when’  (e.g. the team leader spots…

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